martes, 8 de octubre de 2013


  Semantics in Linguistics

 "Semantic is the study of meaning in language...The sound patterns of language are studied at the level of phonology and syntax...How is language organised in order to be meaningful? This is the question we ask and attempt to answer at the level of semantics. Semantic is that level of linguistic analysis where meaning is analysed."

Meaning Concept: "The meaning of meaning, L.KOgden and I.ARichards, give the following lits of some definitions of meaning. Meaning can be any of the following:

  1. An intrinsic property of some thing
  2. Other words related to that word in a dictionary
  3. The connotations of a word
  4. The thing to which the speaker of that word refers
  5. The thing to which the speaker of that word should refer
  6. The thing to which the speaker of that word believes himself to be referring
  7. The thing to which the hearer of that word believes is being referred to.

Lexical meaning: lexical or word meaning is the meanging or invidual lexical items. These are of twon types: the open class lexical items, such as nouns, verbs, adjective and adverbs, and the close lexical items, such asprepositions, conjunctions and determiners. The open class items have independent meanings, which are defined in the dictionary. The closed class items have meaning only in relation to other words in a sentence, this is called Grammatical meaning which can be understood from a considaration of the structure of the sentence and its relation with other sentences.

Denotative meaning: The logical meaning, which indicates the essential qualities of a concept which distinguish it from other concepts.


Metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest at likeness or analogy between them.

Polysemy: "The term polysemy is used in linguistics to refer to those words that have multiple meanings related to each other ... different from homonymy which refers to a single word that has two or more meanings that are unrelated to each other...An example of polysemy is the meaning of over in He lives over the mountain. He flew over the ocean, He is over the divorce.

The Semantics of Polysemy: Reading Meaning in English And Warlpiri  Escrito por Nick Riemer

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