martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

Semantic II


Mevis Paola Marimón Izquierdo

Task 1: Find a polysemantic word. Why is it Polysemantic?      
Polysemantic: is a word with more than one meaning.
Drink is a polysemantic word because it has different meaning according to the context for example as a verb or as beverage.
Task 2 Give a context:
v  “You must not drink anything on the day of the operation “
v  “Charles doesn´t drink, he´ll have an orange juice”
Task 3 Select one of the context
v  “You must not drink anything on the day of the operation “
The word drink mean in this case that the person can´t swallow any liquid. The meaning is drink as an action.
Grammatical: adj+noun: Soft drinks, fizzy drinks, cool drinks.
Lexical: take by mouth; energy drink: beverage with added vitamins. Soft drink: non-alcoholic beverage.
Task 4 Select another context
v  “Charles doesn´t drink, he´ll have an orange juice”
Denotative: drink: alcoholic beverage.
·         Example: Why don´t we go and have a drink to remember the good old days?
Connotation: Have a drink: to drink alcohol in a special place.
Task 5 - 6
Primary meaning: in this case the primary meaning of the word Drink is a beverage, the situation or the context of this speech give the meaning of this word because  it is about a meeting where characters are going to consume alcohol to celenbrate.

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